4. Technical Aspects


4.1. Positioning

The large distance range the tip has to be controlled on makes it necessary to use two positioners: a coarse and a fine positioner. The fine positioner is also used as a scanner. Every fine positioner/scanner is made out of a piezocrystal or piezoceramic material.


Piezoelectric Effect: Applying stress on piezo materials causes electric polarisation
Reverse Piezoelectric Effect: An electric field applied to a piezo material causes mechanical strain
Piezocrystals: quartz, BaTiO3 Piezoceramics: Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 (PZT)


In the following the directions x,y and z are labeled as 1,2 and 3, respectively. Applying a voltage V to a rectangular piece (thickness z) of piezoelectric material as shown above yields an electric field of
The strain is generated, which can be described by a tensor with xx- and zz-components
The piezoelectric constants are defined as the ratios of the strain component over the component of the electric field intensity. Thus we get
Typical values for the piezoelectric components of PZT are
d31=-1 to -3 Å/V
d33=2 to 6 Å/V
EBL#1(Stavely Sensors)
d31=-1.27Å/V (tranversal) d33=2.95Å/V (longitudial)

Fine Positioner (Scanner)

Coarse Positioner

4.2. Electronic Circuit

In case of measuring in the constant current mode a feedback circuit has to be build up to control the z-piezo.

The tunneling current (0.01mA-50mA) is converted into a voltage by a current amplifer. To get a linear response with respect to the tunneling gap (the current is exponentially dependant on the tip-sample distanance) the signal is processed by a logarithmic amplifier. The output of the logarthmic amplifier is compared with a predetermined voltage which is used as a reference current. The error signal is passed to feedback electronics, which applies a voltage to the z piezo to keep the difference between the current set point and the tunneling current small.
Care has to be taken to keep the noise signal ratio on a low level. Also the response time of the feedback has to be minimized without loosing accuracy.

4.3. Vibration Isolation

The tip-sample distance must be kept constant within 0.01Å to get good atomic resolution. Therefore it is absolutly necessary to reduce inner vibrations and to isolate the system from external vibrations.
Environmental vibations are caused by:
Transfer Function Regarding the transfer function (ratio of amplitudes) of a damped harmonic oscillator with a sinusodial external force, it is clear that the resonant freqency must be much lower than the external frequency to be eliminated.
Damping can be done by
  • Suspension with springs (including additional eddy current dampers)
  • Stacked plate systems
  • Pneumatic systems

4.4. Tip

The tip is the trickiest part in the STM experiment. It needs a small curvature to resolve coarse structures. Tip
Minitip For atomic resoltion a minitip with a one atomic end is necessary.

Tips typically are made out of tungsten, platinum or a Pt-Ir wire.
A sharp tip can be produced by:
It is also possible to do tip-sharpening during tunneling.
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